EFQM Excellence Assessor Training – EAT


» Introduction

You will learn through the EFQM Excellence Assessor Training (EAT) how to perform assessment of organizations by using the EFQM Excellence Model and RADAR Logic. Passing this course will qualify you to be an EFQM Excellence Award Assessor, as well as other awards applying the same model across the world. If you are a leader in your organization, this course will qualify you to lead your organization towards excellence through learning about the concepts and criteria of corporate excellence and applying the RADAR Logic.

Before the training, you will be required to analyze a case study as a prerequisite for successfully passing this course.
» Objectives


 ◊ After this three-day training, you will be able to:



»  Methodology


The workshop is a mixture of exercises, discussions and demos. During the practical training, you will tackle and analyze real submission documents, and identify strengths and opportunities for improvement before assembling grades of assessment report.

» Benifits

The EFQM Excellence Assessor Training (EAT) is designed to let participants acquire the skills and techniques that will help them organize and manage an assessment team. Following the training, participants should be able to apply the skills they have learned through performing assessment of worldwide organizations.

» Accreditation/Certificate

Participants who pass the course will receive the official EFQM accreditation as "EFQM Excellence Assessors". Their names will be added to the online list of qualified EFQM assessors (www.efqm.org). There is a need for effective participation during the workshop, and appropriate readiness (meticulous reading) prior to the training (10 hours approximately) to obtain the EFQM certificate.

» Participants


This specialized, interactive training workshop is devised for supervisors, division heads, department managers, all those concerned with quality, capacity-building and corporate development and excellence and those who have previous experience in excellence.

» Mechanism

The program is accomplished through a unique, participatory and interactive training workshop, with a number of participants not exceeding (7 participants divided into 2 work groups) to ensure that the added value is realized, and enable participants to fully understand the concepts and criteria, thus qualifying participants of different grades and duties to apply the EFQM Model within their public or private organizations.

 » Duration

3 training days from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., or from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Note: each participant shall review the case study and provide the prerequisites, to be delivered to the trainer at least two weeks prior to the course.